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event concept

As a long-standing event service provider, we are not only excellently positioned in the area of directing. Established agencies and customers also rely on our interdisciplinary expertise in the area of show and event conception. Since 2021, we have been more and more strengthening our internal teams with new specialist knowledge and know-how.


We support you and your team in planning and implementing your event. Together we will answer the following questions:


  • What (emotional) goal is the event pursuing?

  • What staging techniques are used?

  • Which trades are required for successful implementation?

  • Which artists, performers and keynote speakers are suitable for the event?

  • Which event format is the right one?

Logo M.Production
Ergebnis einer Eventkonzeption: Gefüllte Event-Halle

We create events that stay in your mind!

the power of emotion

"No motivation without emotion" - more than just a well-known saying, because the right dose makes the difference.


The first 15 seconds decide ...

Not only about the success of your event, but also about the first emotional impression that marks the beginning of an unforgettable event. Be it a rousing rock opening or an impressive video clip - we ensure that your event starts emotionally and captivatingly.


Together with you, we will develop the perfect opening and a holistic and sensible process for your event. Our focus is always on getting the most out of every moment within your budget.

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the right event format

Which event format suits your project? Unfortunately, this important question is asked far too rarely.


Is the classic frontal situation that has been practiced within the company for years still up to date? Recurring event formats increasingly need a refresh in order to continue to have a motivating and inspiring effect.

This is exactly where we come in. We present you with a wide range of setup and presentation options that are always tailored precisely and specifically to your project.


The right tone makes the music.


Music is an essential part of every event. Everyone needs it, and yet the right choice of music is often neglected in the planning phase.


Imagine a video without captivating music or your keynote speaker's stage appearance without a catchy jingle. What music actually accompanies your event? Are there live bands that accompany your conference or award show live? These questions often take a back seat because other aspects initially seem more important.


How much do you invest in catering or the event location and how much do you plan to spend on music that will captivate and emotionalize your guests? Music is a source of inspiration. Our experts are at your side and will give you comprehensive advice on the right selection of artists and compositions.

Musikproduktion für die Eventkonzeption
Bühnenkonzept aus Licht und Bühnenbild

Let’s make history!

No show without a storyline. But what is yours? We support you with this very question and work together to develop an emotional and meaningful storyline for your event format.

content creation

Encounters in motion: A picture is worth a thousand words - many pictures tell the story.


Whether it's an exciting intro video, image film, comprehensive event documentation or creative motion design - we offer you tailor-made video productions. Our internal video production unit is on hand to provide you with comprehensive advice and professional implementation to help you create the right moving image.


production management

We hold the reins for you and support you with our event and show experts as production managers and technical managers.


Production management is probably the most important interface for every event. Everything comes together here, both in advance and on site. Our experts ensure that your event runs smoothly and successfully.


From the development of the rough concept and the preparation of tailor-made documents for technical companies to the detailed technical drawing for the construction – our technical management is your contact for all technical matters.

“Great job both in the conception and on-site. Quick understanding of our customers' wishes/expectations. Perfect implementation of the requirements. We look forward to the upcoming projects with you this year."

Sonja Bacher


let's start


First contact

Call us or send us an email. We will respond within one day.


Project details

We will discuss the details of our work and the next steps with you.


Kick off

As soon as all details have been clarified, we look forward to being part of your team!


Do you want to inspire people with your event?

We support you and your team in the entire event planning process, from show conception to music composition to event technology and stage technology!

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